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- About The Author: Neil Nadelman
- Resume: Anime translator, subtitler, general buttinsky.
Ofra Bloch
65 vote
writers=Michael J. Palmer
Actors=Ofra Bloch, Bassam Aramin
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I had RAI treatment June of this year... I hoped this video was available back thanks a lot... Afterwards in a sentence. Erusalem-born trauma expert Ofra Bloch forces herself to confront her demons in a journey that takes her to Germany, Israel and Palestine. Set against the current wave of fascism and anti-Semitism sweeping the globe, 'Afterward' delves into the secret wounds carried by victims as well as victimizers, through testimonies ranging from the horrifying to the hopeful. Seen as a victim in Germany and a perpetrator in Palestine, Ofra faces those she was raised to hate and dismiss as she searches to understand the identity-making narratives of the Holocaust and the Nakba, violent and non-violent resistance, and the possibility of reconciliation. The film points towards a future - an "afterward" - that attempts to live with the truths of history in order to make sense of the present.
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Very good dramatisation of a favourite ghost story
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I LOVE this song! I have ever since i heard it on your myspace! You are so awesome, its almost blinding.
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The other day I was listening to Losing My Religion and though Wow. This song could have been used for Spotlight! It's practically THAT. 's me in the SPOTLIGHT. But seriously, amazing movie.
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- www.bitchute.com/video/F4CWake60bxP
- futokozei.themedia.jp/posts/7912385